Yellow in Green

Trivia Game


Most Trivia games discourage users to search the internet, our game encourages using search engines and other avenues of seeking info, its almost a requirement. We seek answers to questions that are fun and obscure. Each question will give a small clue. It's a trivia game with a scavenger hunt component.


  • A Wallet like Metamask or Coinbase wallet Chrome store
  • Enable Polygon on your wallet - Guide
  • Purchase Ethereum and Matic ERC-20 token and bridge to Polygon - Guide


How to play game

  • You will need at least 1 Trivia Token to play game, head over to the faucet and receive a TRIVIA Token, no cost to you. (you will need a wallet see below)
  • Once you have a TRIVIA token, you can go to the current game
  • To Play the game you will need to deposit your token in the pool, There are two transactions in the deposit process, the first one will approve the application to access your token the second transaction will transfer the token to the pool which will cost small amount of Polygon Matic to cover the network fees

Rules to play game

  • You are allowed 30 total attempts to answer all questions before you are disqualified.
  • The winner of the Game will receive all the tokens added to the pool for that Game and also an NFT with data to each question.

Inspiration for site

Yellow in Green

